Monday, December 19, 2005

Floods at 4 northen states in Penisular Malaysia

The yearly north-east moosoons (winds) is demostrating its powress again. It brings a 3-day non stop down pours.As a result,the northern states--Perlis,Kedah,Kelatan and Trengganu are under 5 feet flood water. All land transport between the north and south are cut off,rubber-dinghy are deployed to reach areas where aids are urgently needed.In extremely urgent cases,helicopters are used. Losses are yet to be assessed as a result of power cut,and road inaccessibility and crop destruction. One thing for sure the yield from Kedah,the ricebowl of Malaysia will drop dramatically. The Kedah state government blames Thailand for the disaster,because the southern Thailand state city Changloon was under 8 feet of flood water,and they opened the flood-gates and let the surplus of water to flow into Malaysia. What a kind neighbour we have here!

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