A handful of parents went all out to stop computer classes to be taught in the school against the will of the majority of the parents, against the will of most of the parents of surrounding schools in the area for that matter.
So much so they brought it to the court,citing it was against the education law to conduct computer classes during regular teaching hours because computer classes are not considered core subject. What, computer is not important? Why the government build the MSC and brags so much about it then? Is it just hot air?
This group of parents also claims it is harmful to let children to learn IT at early age, citing a research done by the Comsumer Association of Penang (CAP) which shows they will suffer brain damage,lack of execises and poor health as a result of exposing them to computers usage at early age. What loadful of craps. Of course, too much of any thing is bad. Even you eat too much or sleep too much is bad. One should have the wisdom to exercise control over any thing you do to avoid indulgence.
Who is CAP anyway, they are just another association out of thousands of association out there. What make them so full of authority? Must we listen to every word they say?
How are we going to achieve the 2020 vision if we are lagging behind in technology? How would we dare to crawl out of our own shells and step into the global village if we are not properly equipped?
Don't drag everybody down because of your personal differences. If you are so righteous and full of justice, go find something else to fix. There are so many things not right in our country, surely you can find something to prove how smart and righteous you are, just leave the children's future alone.